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iT7x1 and iT7mini Review from Feast Magazine
Last week we were proud of our Macworld review for our X2 headphones. This week is the turn of our X1 and Mini Speaker in the latest issue of Feast Magazine. We're featured on pages 44 and 45. The rest of the magazine is well worth a read as well.
iT7x2 Review from MacWorld UK
The iT7x2s are a pair of Bluetooth enabled headphones created by iT7 Audio, a company founded by former Premiership footballer Ian Taylor. The great thing about Bluetooth headphones is that there are no wires to worry about - no more tiresome untangling to do before you play a song. It gives you more freedom to move around without having to worry about your headphones getting caught on something and ripped off. The downside to Bluetooth headphones is usually battery life, but the iT7X2s combat this by utilising Bluetooth 4.0 technology, allowing for less battery consumption on both ends: the iT7X2s have an average life of around 22 hours on a single charge, and can last up to 400 hours on standby. The best...