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iT7 Audio Presents: Multiple Gold Medal Paralympian - Ollie Hynd
Last year was an incredible year for team GB in both the Olympics and the Paralympics. We had the honour of catching up with multiple gold winning Paralympic swimmer Ollie Hynd. Here we discover where his career started alongside a couple of his career highlights.
iT7 Audio Presents: Miss Zenya
We love to keep in touch with performers and recently had the opportunitiy to spend a morning with Singer Songwriter Zenya to chat about her recent tour with Justin Timberlake and her visit to the UK.
iT7 Audio Presents: Jake Webster @ Castleford Tigers
Music and Motivation with Jake Webster and iT7
iT7 has music and sports at it’s core. Because of this it was incredible to spend the day with Castleford Tigers, Jake Webster recently. Having the opportunity to learn what drove Jake to become a professional Rugby player, his personal influences and how he keeps himself motivated to constantly perform on match day. Additionally we were able to learn how Jake keeps himself and his team pumped up with music in life, training and especially before a match.